Lousy Foreplay

It's not true!


Lately, I've been all about podcasts, getting as many leaks as possible, and Wii. Mostly the latter of course. It feels like I'm in my preteens again during the golden age of the NES. I must stress that there are not as many quality games for the Wii, but I'm getting as much play as I can out of the games plus the Virtual Console is keeping me busy for sure. Since I was one of those one system households(I know many people were) I missed out on the Genesis, Turbo Grafix(my cousin had one which was sweet because I got to play Bonk), and the N64. There's always something getting in the way of writing regularly, and though I could easily hold on certain little white boxes accountable for my lack of effort, I believe most of the blame goes on just fear. I am afraid of what will come out of me if I write.

I am afraid that nothing good will come of it. Fuck, I need to try though. It's the only way I can maybe possibly become a little more happier. I just need to tap into that imagination I used to have when I did a lot of drugs. It's biting me in the ass now I guess. They always would say don't depend on the dope for inspiration. I always thought that was a bunch of crap. Hemingway had his mojitos, Fitzgerald covered up his alcoholism by claiming he had tuberculosis(according to Wikipedia, cited from a biographer so who knows), and Bukowski, well no one could do it like him. It would be nice to find a source here, but I've given up hoping a long time ago. I don't want to ask. I like it when good fortune comes to me. Whether they come in the forms of friendship, flesh, or contraband.

Paper Mario came out today, but I told myself not to buy it until I finish Zelda. I'm so behind everyone I know. I fucking want a DS, and either a 360 or PS3. Games are keeping me alive.

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  • At 10:55 AM, Blogger NIPSY RUSSEL III said…

    I feel u man, I dont like to use bud n stuff for inspiration but hey if it helps me then what am I going to do. I was in a terrible drought recently and I started asking random people that I thought would look like they knew what wsup and it turns out the kid who takes care of the shopping carts infront of the grocery store has some pretty good nickle n dime bags. he has been my saviour as of recent. but yeah ive been slackin on art too, a gang of excuses too. but in the end id rather have some shitty shit to laugh at than nothing. im still stuck on FF12, just got MLB the show, and want to get GOD OF WAR II.

    still waiting to get the Wii.


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